The Course Content
Day One: The Traditional Role of the Internal Auditor
The definition of internal auditing
The Concept of internal audit
The roles & procedures within the internal audit department
Preserving independence and objectivity
Audit preparation and planning to ensure an effective audit
The skills of auditors
Day Two: The Consulting Activities of Internal Auditing
The key consulting activities in an organization
The role of consulting in internal auditing
The link between audit committee requirements & consulting services
Strengthening organizational governance
Creating the compliance framework
Developing and improving risk management
Day Three: The Consulting Engagement and Skills
The key phases of a consultancy engagement
Assessment of the consulting skills
Developing and presenting ideas and solutions
Writing skills and effectively communicating results
The importance of effective communication and interpersonal skills
Demonstrating professional competency
Day Four: Consulting Tools and Techniques in an Organization
Identifying the tools and techniques of consulting
Understanding the need to listen and writing reports for consulting
Developing and managing the client satisfaction
Process benchmarking and gap analysis
Managing the “politics issues” and how to deal with
Managing & setting polices of conflict of interest
Day Five: Effective Consultancy in Organization
Enhancing the capabilities of problem-solving skills
Implementing on going assurance
Developing fraud awareness workshop
Strengthening the ethics & code of conduct programme
Assessment business development opportunities
Taking advantages of hidden opportunities