The Course Content
Day One: The Organisational Context
Nature of Inherent Workplace Conflict
Understanding Employee Relations
Management Interventions to Minimise Conflict
Strategic Importance of Investigations
When are Investigations Needed
Skills of Suitable Investigators
Day Two: Best Practice and the Legal Framework
Concept of Natural Justice
Test of Reasonableness
Clarifying Policy and Ensuring Transparent Procedure
Facts v Truth
The ACAS Recommendations
Defining Harassment, Bullying and Unfair Discrimination
Day Three: Planning the Investigation
Selecting Candidates
The Responsibilities of the Effective Investigator
Clarifying the Purpose and Limits of the Investigation
Background Research – Requesting Relevant Documents
The Order of Interviews
Practical Session
Day Four: The Course and Format of the Interviews
Central Nature of the Interviews
Ensuring a Fair Hearing - Corroborating the Facts
Permission to Electronically Record
Challenge of Discriminating Between Opinion and Interpretation
Weighing up – Likelihood of Events and Actions
Practical Session
Day Five: Best Practice Reports
Format Template and Style Guide
Deciding What Needs to be Included
Issues of Confidentiality
Summarising and Drawing Conclusions
Recommended Outcomes