Why Choose this Training Course?Over the past decade, IT has emerged to be a strategic and valuable enabler to the organization. It has moved from rigid resource consumer, to agile financial opportunity generator. The ability to apply and manage resources effectively is fundamental, for an organization to harness the true value and capabilities that IT can bring. Executives and personnel involved in IT Leadership, often need business acumen to complement a technical domain expertise. Not only does a leadership team need to understand the business goals, but client requirements and how to bring together technology to meet this challenge. This IT Leadership training course in London will bring together the business and technical disciplines, to ensure that these key considerations can be met, and IT Leaders upskilled.This York Britishtraining course will feature:Best Management Practice for IT LeadershipHow to Develop and Implement IT Strategic PlansHow to Prepare and Deal with Crisis ManagementApplication of Influence to achieve Corporate GoalsUnderstanding Stakeholder Goals and RequirementsWhat are the Goals?On successful completion of this York Britishtraining course, delegates will be able to:Understand the role of an effective IT DepartmentStrategically align IT resources in an agile environmentApply Leadership and Management Across All StakeholdersDefine and influence strategic decision making processDefine an effective IT Budget and Resource PlanImplement and ensure Quality StandardsWho is this Training Course for?This York Britishtraining course has been designed for individuals whom have involvement with or responsible for leading key functions of an IT Department, and with particular reference to leadership, strategy and implementing corporate vision through IT services. This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals, but will generally benefit:Chief Information OfficerSenior IT Leadership PersonnelIT Project Management PersonnelSenior Technical ArchitectsSenior Business AnalystsIT Procurement SpecialistsHow will this Training Course be Presented?This York Britishtraining course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This will include active participation in seminars, group discussions and real life case studies. In addition, delivery will be by presentation, group syndicate investigations, training DVD and interactive training course.
Day One: Leadership and ManagementIT Leadership -v- IT ManagementIT Management and Leadership ChallengesEstablishing Value Matrices for IT ServicesManagement and Team DynamicsResponsibilities of a multidisciplinary IT TeamTechnological Evolution and Strategic Management Day Two: Situational Awareness and how to Influence Decision MakingFact Management and PresentationUnderstanding Influence and its ApplicationApplying Influence in NegotiationsStrategic Decisions within IT and Influential SphereApplying Influence to Service Vendors ContractsCase Study Day Three: Developing the IT Strategic Plan and Financial PlanningIT Leadership and Service SupportService Support and Managing Requirements and ExpectationsSelection and Evolution of Correct Partnership ModelResourcing the Plan and Budgetary RequirementsMaintaining Quality and Service DeliveryCase Study Day Four: Building the Team and Delivering the VisionBuilding the correct Management teamQualities and requirements of an IT Project ManagerEffective delegation, 4WH ModelTeam Compilation, Dynamics and Vision DeliveryEffective communication in stakeholder managementCase Study Day Five: Dealing with Crisis & Measuring SuccessDefining Key Performance Indicators, Models and MatrixBuilding Success into Policy, Practice and ProcedureEvaluation and Results ManagementAvoid Common Failings in IT ProjectsCrisis Management Planning and Disaster RecoverySummary Review and Case Study