The Course Content
Day One: S&OP overview
Evolution of ERP and role of S&OP
The S&OP Journey
End to End Supply Chains
Technology in S&OP
S&OP Process
Definitions of S&OP
Day Two: Demand Management
The Nature of Demand
Calculating Forecasts
Forecast Management
Uses of Forecasts
Forecasting Exercise
Day Three: Inventory Management
Why do we need Inventory?
Types and Functions of Inventory
Financial Considerations of Inventory
Setting Inventory Levels
Reorder Processes
Inventory Management Exercise
Day Four: Supply Management
Strategic Supply Decisions
Time Fences and How to Manage them
Linking Supply to S&OP
Capacity Issues
Supply Exercise
Day Five: Putting it all together
Risk Management
Risks Potential and Realized
Categorising Risk
Reducing Risk
Risk Exercise
S&OP Exercise