The Course Content
Day One: The Digitisation of Society and its Impact on Business
-The evolution and revolution of digital technology
-THE VUCA world we live in – a world of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity
-Companies that have thrived while their competitors have died – what we can learn
-The five effects of digitisation on company operations
-What digital customers expect – and what you need to do to deliver it
-Creating strategy in a digital era
Day Two: Creativity and Innovation
-Disruptive companies – case studies
-Becoming a disruptor - personal qualities and techniques
-Extreme cultures and extremely successful organisations - and what we can learn from them
-‘Agile Leadership’ – what it is, what it isn’t
-Motivating people to innovate, experiment and 'fail fast' with new ideas
-Presesenting new ideas with influence and passion
Day Three: People management in a Digital World
-Generations X, Y and Z. How do they differ? What are they looking for in work?
-Great leaders listen: active listening techniques
-How does people management differ from ten years ago?
-Motivation and performance management in 21st century organizations
-Creating an inspiring digital vision
-Models of modern people management from coaching to holacracy
Day Four: Personal Productivity in The Digital Era
-Stopping 20th century-style working in digital organisations
-Emails and meetings – dealing with time stealers – revolutionising your day
-A model to help you focus on priorities and time management
-Dealing with time-wasters and procrastination
-Leading productive meetings at work: managing, appreciating and utilising diversity
-Leading meetings with creative flair: thinking differently for new answers
Day Five: Teams in a Digital Age
-Effective and ineffective team behaviours in a digital era
-Different types of work arrangement – home-based, distance, matrix
-Deploying collaborative tools for enhanced productivity
-Modernising the work environment
-Introducing and managing diversity – age, gender ability and difference in working style
-Introducing and managing change – vision, planning and execution