The Course Content
Day One: Organising your Thoughts and Gaining Confidence
Identifying your personal USP (Unique Presentation Style)
Clarifying purpose and choosing an appropriate structure and strategy
Ice-breakers, warming up and reading the audience
Overcomes nervousness and looking and feeling confident
Adapting the right mental attitude to present powerfully
Learning how to formulate and structure topics using mind mapping
Day Two: Looking, Sounding and Acting as a Professional Presenter
Becoming comfortable presenting in front of the group and camera
Identifying your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter
Maximizing impact through body language, postures, gestures and dress
Mastering the 7 essential areas of voice control
The 3 essential ingredients of a professional powerful presentation
How to make a persuasive speech
Day Three: Using Technology to Maximize Impact
Learn to create fantastic flip charts to support the key messages
Design beautiful and compelling PowerPoint presentations
Presenting complex data using graphs and visuals
Creating and adding video clips to your power point presentations
Working with different room layouts and handling microphones
Learn different tools to add diversity and interest to engage an audience
Day Four: The Techniques and Tools of a Master Presenter
Communicating concepts quickly
Using analogies and drawing on memorable images
The art of story-telling and story boarding
Creating an interactive, question friendly atmosphere
Overcoming shyness or arrogance in speaking through emotional intelligence
Preparing for questions and handling difficult or tricky questions
Day Five: The Techniques and Tools of a Master Presenter
Handling resistance, set-backs and criticism
Finding your authentic voice as a presenter
Gaining confidence as a communicator and going off-script
Increasing your authority and credibility as an expert in your field
Making the audience feel good about themselves and you
Engaging the right and left brains, the heads and the hearts of your audience