The Course Content
Day One: Building the Foundation of Positive Leadership
Introduction to Positive Leadership and Culture
Why develop a Positive culture
Benefits of Positivity
The Business Case for a Positive Culture (PC)
Assessing Organisational Gaps in meeting PC goals
Cultural Tools and Change Management
Day Two: Planning and Preparation: Self & Others
Becoming aware of current beliefs and mindset
Understanding what the positive-evolutionary mindset is and why it matters
Preparation to positive self-leadership
Understanding transactional versus transformational relationships
Increasing the personal positivity ratio
Improving the quality and quantity of interactions
Day Three: Organisational and Leadership Standards – The Business
Discovering the positive energisers in your organisation
Align values and purpose with the organisation
Positive Gap Analysis – Amplifying success
Focusing on Measurements that matter
Improve performance toward “positive deviance”
Agility and Change Management
Day Four: Interactions for Positive Leaders
Organisational Culture and Context
Aspects of Organisational Change – Policies, Individual and Managerial
Take ownership of actions and outcomes
Positive Psychology and Innovation
Benefit from the art of dialogue and feedback
Cultivating Authenticity and Trust-worthiness
Day Five: Sustaining the Positive Culture
Sustainability of the Positive Culture Initiative
Meetings and team practices for positive leaders
Measurements and Monitoring
Inclusive Positive Coaching
Action Planning for Results
Key Summary and Review