The Course Content
Day One: The Strategizing Process
Why strategize: 21st century changes and challenges
Strategic Planning
Strategic thinking – Who, How, When and Why
Strategic options, decisions, psychological factors
Stories of success and failure
Cultural impact on leaders
Day Two: The Strategic Process
Strategy is relative to…
No decision, is a decision
Distinguishing between red and blue ocean strategies
Strategy Tools: The SWOT analysis
Turning dreams into realizable actions – SMART objectives
Strategy hierarchy – Aligning resources and actions
Day Three: Strategic Management Skills
Leadership theories & styles– A toolkit for managers
What drives you?
Leaders’ Emotional Intelligence
Visioning, communicating & framing
Leadership skills: Influencing and persuading
Motivating employees
Day Four: Managing the Culture
The cultural iceberg
Cultural frames of reference: The cultural web
Impact of strong and weak cultures
Cultural challenges: Globalisation, mergers and acquisitions
Evaluating your organisation’s culture
Leaders’ role influencing culture
Day Five: Tactics and Plans
Impact of change on employees
Individual v team roles
Employee engagement
Tactics and plans
A culture of learning
Personal action planning