The Course Content
Day One: Decision Making and Problem Solving – Symbiotic Partners
Leadership and the dynamics of decision making
21st century Leadership - “decision architects” of future performance
Impacting variables: values, bias and hubris in seeking ethical solutions
Personality Type and cognitive preferences in decision making
Psychometric assessment on your problem-solving preferences
“Collective wisdom” a structured process for grounded solutions
Day Two: Applying Structured Techniques to Organisational Issues
How well do I solve problems? outcomes and personal cognitive strengths
Using the “whole brain” to make rational, informed and balanced decisions
Flexibility on leadership and thinking; opening the mind to new ideas
A structured model for problem solving; balancing logic and emotional responses
Unexpected events that destroy equilibrium; the unpredictable factor
Dynamic Tension, Decision Making, Newton’s Laws and the Management of Change
Day Three: The Quest for Continuous Improvement – A Journey not a Destination
Encouraging creative problem solving for continuous improvement
Appreciative Enquiry and a focus on positive dialogues
Solution Focus methodology: a transformational tool for business dialogues
Diagnostic tools for identifying and addressing organisational issues
TRIZ: Applying techniques to innovate and improve process and product
Capturing the creative capacity of the millennial generation
Day Four: Building Creative Capability in Self, Others and the Wider Organisation
“How creative am I”? Challenging self-imposed assumptions
Beware the creative introvert: the “ENIGMA” of the quiet, awkward individual
Where do good ideas come from? “Imagineering”: current examples from technology
“Curiosita”: multiple intelligences and lessons from Leonardo da Vinci
Fostering and facilitating organisational innovation
Building the creative organisation: a menu for good leadership practice
Creative leadership dialogues to influence, persuade and align your people
Day Five: The Creative Leader in the Innovative Organisation
Leadership style, cognitive processes decision-making outcomes
Enhancing Serendipity
Ensuring alignment with corporate mission
Assessing creativity in your organisation and identifying “roadblocks”
Establishing "innovation champions"; a strategy for promoting innovation and change
Designing a personal plan for innovation in the workplace