The Course Content
Day One: Traditional Closed Innovation
How our thinking works in respect of creativity and innovation
Difference between vertical and lateral approaches; what are the benefits and weaknesses
Methods of testing ideas for practicality and relevance
Apply the more fluid style to the left and right hemispheres of the brain
Recognise and cope with obstacles to creativity in the mind, in approach and in the working environment
Understand the limitations and applications of conventional problem solving
Day Two: What is Open Innovation?
What is open innovation
How open innovation came to be
Open vs closed innovation
Type of open innovation
Examples of open innovation
Practical takeaways from the examples
Day Three: Benefits, Challenges and Methods
Benefits of open innovation
Challenges of open innovation
How is open innovation done? - Methods of doing open innovation
Open innovation method framework
Open innovation methods
Choosing the right method
Day Four: Accelerating Open Innovation
Picking your goals
Choosing the appropriate audience
Building co-operation, key stakeholders and potential collaborators
Selecting partners and forming business relationships
How to measure compatibility and partner fit
Planning and executing strategic pilots
Day Five: Communicating Open Innovation
The Dynamics of Change – Psychological and Physical Cycle
Dealing with the Psychological Impact of Change
How to Motivate and Inspire Performance
Communicating the Innovative Changes in a Positive Manner
Communicating the “Burning Platform” Message of Change
Building a culture of Open Innovation