The Course Content
Day One: STEM Careers Introduction and Self-Assessment
Introduction to STEM Careers – Women in STEM
Carry out a Self-IMPACT Assessment
Map out Skills and identify any gaps
Identify personal Stakeholders map & sphere of influence
Review current Job Description and future Job description
Day Two: Introduction to Business Management
Discuss the promotional criterion within the workplace
Define your personal credibility in the workplace
Understand how to maximise your full technical ability
Review the necessary business skills
Day Three: Communicating your Science
Understanding the value of your Technical Skills
Communicating your science to your peers
Technical report writing – creating standard templates
Presentation skills – presenting science to non-scientists
Finding your voice – influence and persuasion
Advancing your science externally - LinkedIn
Day Four: Career Management
Design your current Personal Development Plan
Understand the importance of mentoring
Is Job Shadowing an option?
Time Management and Organisational skills
Career Planning – setting achievable goals
Day Five: Future You
Pitching yourself, learn the importance of self confidence
Design a personal manifesto for future you
Create a 5-year career plan
Wrap up and Discussion