The Course Content
Day One: Leaving Your Comfort Zone
The profound impact of managers and leaders
The secrets of breakthrough leadership: courage, integrity and persistence
Re-negotiating the playing field: are you enabled to deliver break-throughs?
Leading versus managing
Intentional Leadership – the hallmark of the most effective leaders
The science and psychology of leadership
Day Two: The Emotionally Astute Leader
Leading with emotional intelligence
The link between emotional states and high workplace performance
Creating an empowering vision
How to give effective feedback
Strategic conflict resolution
Dislodging entrenched disagreements
Day Three: Building High-Calibre Teams
Reading and Shaping Team Dynamics
Positioning your team on the ‘Performance Curve’
Creating a high-performance team climate
Fostering a Growth Mindset
Classic Motivational Approaches
Influencing your team and other stakeholders
Day Four: Eliciting Laser-Focused Performance
The art of coaching for break-through performance
Applying coaching strategies for success
Using questioning techniques
Active versus reactive listening
21st Century performance development
Building trust as a foundation for high performance
Day Five: Generating Genuine Breakthroughs (Influencing / Problem Solving)
Stakeholder Management
Creative versus Critical Thinking
Identifying obstacles and challenges
Generating breakthrough solutions
Action planning: intention versus commitment