The Course Content
Day One: Business Continuity Management
Principles of Business Continuity Management
The Case for Business Continuity Management
The relationship between BCMS and the compliance with the other Risk Management requirements
Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS)
Identifying key stakeholders and gaining their support and input
Delegates’ organizational evaluation
Day Two: ISO 22301
Implementation of an effective BCMS
Understanding the requirements in ISO 22301
The relationship between ISO 22301 and other standards
Implementation of a BCMS in accordance with ISO 22301 & ISO/IEC 27031
Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and Risk Assessment
Organizational review
Day Three: Audit Planning
Approaches to management systems auditing
Types of systems audits & the role of the internal auditor
Audit planning & execution
Use of checklists
Opening & closing meetings
Special features in BCMS auditing
Day Four: Auditing
Audit questions and questioning
Non-Conformity Reporting
Audit reporting
Closing out nonconformities
Adding additional value
Role play exercises
Day Five: Practical Considerations
Defining priorities & proportionality to risk
Identifying training needs
Avoiding common issues
Do’s & Do Not’s
The Next Steps