The Course Content
Day One: Leadership Development for Impact and Influence
The professional challenges facing leadership
Leadership progression: process to praxis
Dynamic interpersonal relationship skills for organisational productivity
Evaluating “people skills” for leadership development
Building strategies for mutual benefit: networking and personal coaching
Leadership paradigms that guide and authentic our thinking
Day Two: The Great Inner Leadership Discovery
My Leadership Journey
Self-Reflection, self-esteem and confidence to lead
The Character of a Leader
Understand self to understand those you lead
Leadership styles: leading self to lead others
Real Leaders are emotionally intelligent
Day Three: Resilient Leadership in Unpredictable Times
The ever-present desire for change
The Human Side of Change
Why is change so difficult: Responses to Change
Cross generational leadership: a crisis or challenge for leadership
Change management strategies: Zig zag to business model regeneration
Soft system methodology to make sense of the world in which we work
Day Four: Trusted Influence Leadership
What is Trust Leadership? Edelman surveys and findings
The Benefits of a High Trust Environment
The importance of restoring breached trust
Building Capacity for Trust: a robust model for influence and impacting others
Personal Influence and productive outcomes
Negotiating Agreement: getting to yes
Day Five: Creating a Winning Collaborative Environment
The science of persuasion
Collaboration or conflict- Alliancing the Win-Win Solution
Tips on improving performance
Communicating to impact, influence and engage
Leadership competence check
Action planning to move forward