The Course Content
Day One: Strategic Analysis and Strategic Thinking
What strategy ‘is’ and what it ‘is not’
The importance of understanding stakeholder interests
Which tool to use and when
Understanding Life cycles: Business, Product, Market
Tools to understand the business environment
Achieving business sustainability, the value chain
Day Two: Strategy, Innovation and Adaptability
The process of strategy development
Tools to imagine possible futures
Research showing how CEO’s apply the tools
Zooming In (detail) - Zooming Out (big picture)
Selecting different types of innovation
The process of innovation - managing failures and successes
Day Three: Key Leadership Skills: Communications
Are Vision, Mission and Values just words?
The impact of organisational culture on strategy implementation
Communicating internally & externally
Making effective use of communication channels
How good are your persuasion, influence & negotiation skills?
Addressing the challenge of virtual communications
Day Four: Strategic Implementation: Tracking Progress
Using measures to track progress
Using the Balanced scorecard as a strategic tool
What are Critical Success Factors?
Selecting useful Key Performance Indicators
Do measures have an impact on actions?
Translating data into information - useful reporting
Day Five: Team Leadership
The roles & responsibilities of team leaders
Motivating individuals and teams
Engaging with staff for mutual benefit
Team communications: meetings
Evaluating effectiveness of different communication channels
Personal action planning