The Course Content
Day One: Crisis What Crisis? Causes of Pressure on the Negotiation Process
Where does crisis pressure come from?
Understanding the negotiation framework
How Interests rights and power may be affected in a crisis
Personal capacity for handling crisis pressure
Using paradigm shift to facilitate negotiation during crisis
Day Two: Understanding Strategic Approaches to Negotiation During Crisis
Distributive and integrative negotiation strategies
Planning for best alternatives and zone of agreement
The quest for win-win when negotiating under pressure
Prioritisation of issues and assessment of value in the bargaining mix
How negotiators’ power may be affected during crisis
Day Three: The Psychological Factors in Crisis Negotiation
The psychology of negotiation understanding negotiation driving forces
The power of persuasive proposals to secure commitment
Adapting your wants and needs in times of crisis
Using emotional intelligence to drive a crisis negotiation
Body language and non-verbal communication in negotiation
Day Four: The Effect of Crisis on Risk, Ethics and Commitment
If the message is believable, is it truthful?
Examining the power of deception
Risk aversion in negotiation when faced with a crisis
Contextual pressure on unethical behaviour
Gaining commitment during crisis
Day Five: Multi-party Negotiation, Coalition and Reaching Agreement
Formation and development of coalitions
Leverage in crisis negotiations
Preparing your negotiating team for negotiation during crisis
Moving towards agreement: timing pace and control
Crisis negotiation summary, questions and answer session