The Course Content
Day One: Self-Awareness for Dynamic Leadership
Recognise self-talk and how it affects perception
Knowing you
Be aware of strengths & weaknesses
Growing relationships with others
Removing emotional and mental blind spots
Case study of decisive leadership
Day Two: The Decision-Making Process
What is decision-making?
Importance of decision-making
Decision-making skills assessment
Steps for the decision-making process
Developing alternatives through brainstorming
How to select the best option
Day Three: Dynamic Leadership for Team Performance
Leadership characteristics of a dynamic leader
Developing openness to other ideas and alternatives
Connecting through collaborative communication
Building camaraderie for team cohesion
Giving constructive feedback
Influencing the team towards a shared vision
Day Four: Finding Options and Solutions
Styles of decision-making
Importance of real facts
How to gather information
Analytical tools for problem solving
How to encourage your team’s creativity
Engaging positive responses to ideas through nonverbal communication
Day Five: Decisive Leadership for Timely Decisions
Setting deadlines
How to delegate decisions
Being prepared for bad decisions
Focus on positive change
Take your time seriously
Map out your plans