The Course Content
Day One: Understanding Mental Health
What is mental health
Describing our feelings
Types of mental disorders
Causes of mental illness
Boost your mental health and wellbeing
Day Two: Understanding and Handling Stress
Top causes of stress
Good stress vs bad stress
Characteristics of stress at work
The STROOP effect
Normal anxiety vs anxiety disorder
Day Three: Building Emotional Resilience
What are emotions
Differentiate between experiences, thoughts, feelings and behaviours
Recognize how emotions affect the body
Challenge and reshape unhelpful thoughts
Tools to relax and take control of feelings
Day Four: Skills to Cope with Crisis
Dealing with Burnout syndrome
Characteristics of crisis
Types of crisis
Tips to getting past discouragement
Time management for optimum productivity
Day Five: Mental Health at Work
How to take care of mental health at work
Steps to practice positivity
Empowering others to handle stress and crisis at work
Building a sense of belonging
Applying gratitude in our lives