The Course Content
Day One: The Essentials of Leadership
An introduction to “fit for future” leadership
The difference between leadership and management
Transformational leadership
The emotionally intelligent leader
Giving effective feedback
Day Two: Leading in the VUCA World
Traditional Leadership styles vs. VUCA Leadership
From Volatility to Vision
From Uncertainty to Understanding
From Complexity to Clarity
From Ambiguity to Agility
Day Three: Leading the High-Performance Team
Characteristics of high-performing teams
The stages of team development
Leading cross-functional teams
The importance of consensus
Understanding and avoiding groupthink
Day Four: Developing Your Cultural Intelligence (CI)
The Meaning of Culture
Hofstede’s five value dimensions
Understanding workplace and organisational culture
Improving cross-cultural communication
Leading Generations Y and Z
Day Five: Sustainable Leadership: Fit for Future
An introduction to sustainable leadership
Key competencies of sustainable leaders
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Cultural differences with CSR
The link between work ethics and behaviour