The Course Content
Day one: The Importance of Branding
What is a brand?
What do leaders expect when they invest in branding?
Who owns our brand?
How do brands add value to an organization?
How to link brand to the organisation’s mission, vision, values and purpose?
What should a brand include? – differentiation, relevance, trust, emotion
Day Two: Creating an Effective Brand
8 key criteria for a branding strategy
7 essential elements of a brand’s identity
Developing brand values and value propositions
Using customer insights to build the brand
Creating buyer personas that resonate with customers and potential customers
Connecting brand to the past, present and future
Day Three: Developing Support for the Brand
Finding a brand champion from the leadership team
Characteristics of great brand champions
Empowering employees as brand ambassadors
Using celebrities as brand ambassadors
Developing fans and bloggers as online brand ambassadors
Proving the brand’s worth to shareholders using the international standard ISO 10668
Day Four: Explaining the Brand
Developing the branding guidelines
Creating the brand manual
Running branding workshops for employees and creative agencies
Developing a branding communications plan for internal and external audiences
Running a brand launch event
Ensuring consistent delivery of multiple launch events
Day Five: Protecting the Brand Over Time
Monitoring customers’ experiences and perceptions of the brand
Monitoring opinion formers’ and influencers’ views
Monitoring what is said in the media
Knowing when to refresh the brand
Exercise where participants create and present their own brand
Action planning to take learning back into the workplace