The Course Content
Day One: Introduction to Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Overview of solid and hazardous waste
Sources of waste
Environmental and health impacts of waste
Regulations and policies
Managing the Life Cycle of Waste
Day Two: Waste Generation and Characterization
Waste generation patterns
Types of waste
Waste characterization techniques
Data collection and analysis
Audits and minimization strategies
Day Three: Collection, Transportation, and Transfer
Collection systems and equipment
Transfer station operations
Transportation and logistics
Safety and regulations
‘In-Vessel Composting’ (IVC)
Day Four: Treatment and Disposal
Treatment technologies for solid and hazardous waste
Landfills and their design and operation
Incineration and other thermal treatment methods
Hazardous waste disposal and management options
Landfill Management: Hazards and risks
Day Five: Recycling and Resource Recovery
Recycling and composting techniques
Benefits and challenges of recycling and resource recovery
Waste reduction and prevention strategies
Case studies and best practices in waste management
The future of Waste Management