The Course Content
Day One: Warehouse Role in the Organisation
Why we need a warehouse
What functions they cover
How do they fit into the supply chain
The balance between sorting and storing
The location and capacity of warehouses
Receiving and storing options
Picking/assembly options
Dispatching options
Day Two: Assessing and Managing Risk in the Warehouse Environment
Duty of care
Environment and welfare
Inspections and risk assessments-task analysis
Raising people's awareness
Power failure
Smoking in the workplace
Minimizing theft
Safety Committee
Day Three: Equipment Safety
Equipment maintenance and care
Fork lift truck health and safety operations
Maintenance and care of equipment
Electrical safety
Day Four: Personal Safety
Manual handling
Operator training
First Aid provision and training
Accident investigation
Slips and trips
Personal Protective Equipment
Day Five: Safeguarding of Information – Cyber Security
Availability and accessibility
Control fail-safes
Information storage
Information theft and hacking