The Course Content
Day One: The Commercial Use of Contracts
The purpose of Legal Agreements
Turning Agreements into Binding Contracts
Controlling Risk using Different Types of Contract
Contract Models and Templates
Interim agreements: Letters of Intent and similar tools
Choice of Law, Forum and Jurisdiction
Day Two: Contract Drafting as Writing
The drafting process
Developing a suitable Contract Structure
Defined Terms and Principal Sections
Boilerplate Provisions
Style and Type of Language
Common Words and Phrases
Day Three: Rights and Obligations – the Main Clauses
Delivery, Performance and Acceptance
Clauses that manage Risk
Contract change terms
Price and Payment
Bonds, Guarantees, Warranties
Intellectual Property rights
Day Four: How can Things Go Wrong?
Contract Default
Liquidated Damages and Penalties
Limits/Exclusions of Liability
Force Majeure
Indemnities and Insurance
Suspension and Termination
Day Five: Negotiation and Resolution of Disputes
Negotiation – Tools and Techniques
Dispute Resolution clauses
Litigation and Arbitration
Mediation and other Alternative Dispute Resolution methods
Tips and traps in contract development
Training course summary and review