The Course Content
Day One: Introduction to and basic definitions of Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS)
Food Safety Management System principles in the light of the new ISO22 000:2018
ISO22000:2005 ISO22000:2018: The Key differences
The history of Food Safety management: Cross references between the CODEX HACCP and ISO 22000:2018
International Guidelines and Regulations regarding food safety
Glossary used in Food Safety
Understanding organizational needs and expectations relating to the implementation of an FSMS
Day Two: Food Safety Policy: The Risk-Based Thinking Approach
Leadership and top management commitment
Establishing and communicating the Food Safety Policy
Assigning the organizational roles and responsibilities
Planning on the basis of the Risk-based thinking
Setting the Food Safety Management System objectives
Managing the changes in the FSMS
Day Three: Support and Documentation Requirements for ISO22000
Resource requirements: People, infrastructure and work environment
Personnel competence and awareness
Maintaining an effective internal and external communication
Documentation requirements of ISO 22000 – Creating and Updating documents
Detailed reference to documents with specific examples on the design and use of forms
Control of documents as evidence of conformity and traceability
Day Four: Operational Planning and Control: The Realization of Safe Products
Establishing the PRPs (prerequisite programmes)
The Traceability system: From incoming material to the end product
Emergency preparedness and response: Understanding the organization’s responsibility in the food chain
Hazard control and analysis: Control measures and Hazard control plan
Control of monitoring and measuring activities/Verification planning
Control of product and process nonconformities: Corrective actions, product release/withdrawal/recall
Day Five: Performance Evaluation and Improvement of the Food Safety Management System
The critical steps in performance evaluation: Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
Internal audits in the context of ISO 22000 – team exercise on an internal audit
Management review: Reviewing the FSMS to ensure continuing fitness-for-purpose
Dealing with nonconformities and the critical role of corrective actions
The need for continual improvement and updating of the Food Safety Management System
Q&A and wrap-up session