The Course Content
Day One: Adult Learning and Learning Styles
The training cycle: an overview
The importance of adult learning styles
Characteristics of the adult learner – how they differ from children
Learning styles – and how to assess them
Cognitive overload research and what it tells us about training
Day Two: Characteristics of Successful Trainers
The various roles for training professionals
Facilitation: an overview
Presenter and facilitator: what’s the difference?
Facilitator competencies & self-assessment
Four guiding principles for facilitators (ORID)
Day Three: Training Methods, Activities and Exercises
Using icebreakers and educational games
Advantages and disadvantages of different activities/methods
Planning and structuring exercises
Brainstorming: you may have been doing it wrong
Using SWOT, PESTEL and Force Field Analysis with groups
Day Four: Designing Training Programs
Setting ground rules
Steps to prepare an effective presentation
Why educational objectives are essential
The levels of training evaluation
Calculating a cost-benefit analysis
Day Five: Presenting and Delivering Effective Training
Presentation skills and overcoming fear
The key elements of presenting
Handling questions from the group
Cultural issues in training
Getting feedback from others