The Course Content
Day One: Introduction to Water Quality
Global trends in water consumption and future projections – The Water Cycle
Introduction to water chemistry and microbiology
Water chemistry - Basic parameters and their interpretation
Water microbiology – Indicator organisms and the concept of water-borne and free-floating bacteria
Factors affecting bacterial growth in water systems – Biofouling and its role in water systems
Physical properties of water and their significance
Day Two: Introduction to Water Treatment
Water treatment – Terms and Definitions
Water pollution and main groups of water pollutants – Pollutants vs Contaminants
Effect of treatment techniques on chemical composition and microbiological quality
Biochemical water treatment - Biological oxidation/Aeration, biofilters
Physical treatment techniques (sedimentation, filtration, dissolved air flotation - DAF etc.)
The concept of Mobile Water Treatment (MWT) – applications and benefits
Day Three: Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater definition – types of wastewater
Special considerations in the post COVID-19 era
Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater
Advanced treatment techniques
Applications of treated wastewater including water reuse - Restrictions & Regulations
Special types of wastewater (e.g. landfill leachates) requiring more complex treatment
Day Four: Drinking Water Treatment
Review of international regulations and policies on drinking water quality
Continuous monitoring of water quality & Process optimisation
Typical treatment techniques applied in the production of drinking water
Drinking water storage & distribution networks - Maintenance & Risk appraisal
Hot & Cold water systems – Basic considerations for corrosion and scale inhibition
Case studies/Examples
Day Five: Cooling Water Treatment and Evaporative Cooling Systems
Different forms of evaporative cooling systems
Feedwater treatment regimes – Softening and/or blending
Performance/Operation criteria for evaporative cooling systems
Health & Safety considerations for evaporative cooling systems
Legionellosis – Prevention & Control – Case studies
Legionellosis vs COVID-19 - Case studies and lessons learned during the pandemic