The Course Content
Day One: The Green Imperative Green challenges - One World Sustainability
How the world changed with greenhouse gases
Other climate changing activities
How is the world changing
Wider impacts of climate change on demand and supply
Regulation and climate change
Day Two: Current Supply Chain Problems Waste Regulation
Modern supply chain activities
Key functional processes from receiving to picking and shipping
Optimizing the flow of goods across processes
Advanced processes
Implementing Lean principles in the warehouse
Continuous improvement and managing change
Day Three: Digital Supply Chains
The function of inventory
Inventory accuracy and control
Handling WIP (Work-In-Progress) inventory
Three-dimensional inventory classification and segmentation (ABC)
Using inventory classification to drive efficiency
Replenishment methods and strategies
Inventory management in the new normal
Day Four: Risk Management
Understanding Risk management
The 4 approaches to managing risk
Outsourcing: Risks and opportunities
Risk in supply chains
Climate risks in logistics
Green practices to manage risks
Day Five: Transitioning to Sustainability
Contemporary trends in logistics
Supply Chain best practices and benchmarking
The role of performance management in the Green Logistics
What should you measure?
Establish an executive dashboard using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Identifying, prioritizing and implementing improvements