The Course Content
Day One: How Tendering and Procurement Aligns with the Organisation Strategy
Influence of the external environment
Adapting to new business models in the light of the recent pandemic
Critical supply strategies
Transforming the Supplier relationship
The Procurement cycle
Day Two: The Tendering Process
Elements of a good procurement process
Selecting the right contracting strategy
Stages in the tendering process
Developing tender evaluation criteria
Negotiating with short-listed suppliers
Is a good price the only factor in the process?
Day Three: Advanced Procurement Skills
Transforming the supplier relationship
Defining the organization’s mission in supplier relationships
Understanding how to be a good customer
Differentiating between SRM and collaboration
Is the optimisation of the supply base the only way of working?
Day Four: The Negotiation Process
Communication techniques
Avoiding confrontational negotiations
New techniques in influencing
Understanding the other negotiator’s power
Negotiating pressure points and countermeasures
Day Five: Implementing Improvements in the Organisation
Attract and retain procurement management talent
Producing a realistic personal action plan for improvement
Business continuity and contingency planning for procurement
What is Activity-Based Costing
Ways that procurement can improve finances
Putting an action plan together